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Devices menu



Fig. 16. The devices menu.



Add new virtual null modem

Hotkey: Ctrl+N

Right-click menu


It is used to create a virtual serial ports pair. After you selected this menu item, a dialog window will appear (fig. 17).



Fig. 17. The parameters dialog window.


You should select necessary port numbers from a drop down list. This list displays only ports, that has not been used early. If you want you can add additional interference to a outgoing data flow. Use a track bar for it. You can specify value from 0 to 100%. Click the "OK" button to accept your setting or the "Cancel" button to cancel the "Add" operation. By default, Virtual Null Modem software selects a first free ports pair. Our software can emulate few typical null-modem schematics. You can select a null-modem type from the corresponding drop-down box. The wires layout will be displayed on an image below the drop-down box. Emulated signal wires on the image are highlighted by blue color. Pin numbers are showed for a DB9 connector and are displayed for your convenience only, because virtual serial ports operate with signals only (RTS, CTS etc).


Quick add

Hotkey: Ctrl+Q

Right-click menu


Same as above, but dialog window doesn't appear and Virtual Null Modem uses default values for configuring a virtual serial ports pair.



Hotkey: Ctrl+C

Right-click menu


This opens the parameters window (fig. 17) for configured virtual null modem. This menu item is available only if a virtual null modem had been selected in the list.



Hotkey: Ctrl+X

Right-click menu


It will delete a selected virtual null modem from your list. This actions don't remove virtual null modem from your system, if it had been created early. You should click "OK" button to apply changes to your system. This menu item is available only if a virtual null modem had been selected in the list.


Delete all

Right-click menu


It will clear the virtual null modem's list. This actions don't remove virtual null modem from your system, if it had been created early. You should click "OK" button to apply changes to your system.